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As of April, 2008 this blog will no longer be updated. Many autism advocacy groups are working together to promote this legislation & our new blog reflects this initiative.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Call to Action! Write letters to the Detroit News Editorial Page and show your support!

There are several points in the Detroit News Article (Printed Feb 19th) that were misleading. Please take the time to write the editor and let the Detroit News know that insurance coverage for Autism is important to you and that you expect high standards in the integrity of their reporting.

*The article incorrectly reports costs up to 45%...... FACT:There is research that supports that additional costs would be less than 1%.

*The article supports the idea that Blue Cross is providing services, which is untrue for most cases of Autism.

*Duplicate services: A lack of understanding in the intensity needed for children with Autism. Other states have passed legislation without using this excuse as an obstacle.

*Employers should have a say in what to include in policies. This option does not exist. Some companies that we have spoken with would like to cover these therapies but it is not an option at this time.

You can send letters to The Detroit News Editorial Page three different ways:

Fax us at (313) 222-6417.

Mail a letter to The Detroit News, Letters, Editorial Page, 615 W. Lafayette, Detroit, MI 48226. Please include home and work phone numbers, plus city of residence, for verification.

We prefer letters of 250 words or less. Direct rebuttals to editorials may be up to 300 words. Letters are subject to editing and become the property of The Detroit News. We do not consider letters to other publications.

The Detroit News accepts submissions of commentaries between 600 and 750 words on current public policy and societal issues on the local, state, national and international scene. The work must be the author's own and it must be exclusive to The Detroit News in Southeast Michigan. We do not accept articles that have been submitted to the Free Press.

Please submit to Richard Burr, Associate Editor / Features, Editorial Page, The Detroit News, 615 W. Lafayette, Detroit, MI 48226, or fax to (313) 222-6417, or e-mail to


------------------------- A SAMPLE EDITORIAL LETTER ----------------------------

I found it disappointing that many of the words chosen in the writing of the autism legislation article were unsupportive. We are struggling to provide adequate intervention for our child. Why must we read: ARGUING, FIGHT, FORCE, LUXURIES, CONTROVERSIAL, REQUIRE? Why were these negative descriptions selected in the writing of this article? The article speaks of small luxuries while most parents I know are not moaning over lost vacations, they are struggling to put food on the table. Why must we "fight for aid" and why is it written that we must "force insurers to pay for therapy"?

Does anyone believe that numerous states would pass autism legislation if the resulting increase in cost was 45% as stated in this article? Where is the reference to the research data backing up this unbelievable claim? Where is the credibility? Why have many other states passed autism legislation despite concerns about duplicate services. Is it because these concerns are only propaganda?

My family has Blue Cross and we have always been told that Autism is not a covered benefit under our plan. This legislation will end the discrimination that exists. If your child, grandchild or family member had autism could you stand idly by and not provide these life changing interventions for them? Many families in Michigan are losing their homes & life savings to provide these intensive interventions for their children & grandchildren.


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