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As of April, 2008 this blog will no longer be updated. Many autism advocacy groups are working together to promote this legislation & our new blog reflects this initiative.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Letter Writing Template

Use this Template if it helps!

Dear Legislator (fill in name),

I am the (fill in parent, sibling, grandparent, acquaintance, ) of a child with autism. Autism is a neurological disorder, which affects the parts of the brain that control language and joint-attention. We believe this neurological disorder should be covered under health insurance, just as strokes and other neurological disorders are covered. Our children deserve the opportunity to get the treatment they need!

My developmental pediatrician tells me that, with therapy, my (fill in son/daughter/friend/family member ) will possibly go on to a regular elementary school with "typical" children, and could even excel academically. Without therapy, however, (fill in his/her) progress would halt or regress, and (fill in he/she) would never develop the language or other skills that are necessary to participate in a typical classroom, or the workforce, one day.

Since my insurance will not pay for the treatments for my child, I have had to (please enter short narrative about your direct experience).

The children of our state deserve to share their talents with all of society, pay taxes, and contribute to our local economy -- instead of ending up on permanent disability. Perhaps this realization is why several other states have passed similar legislation. By supporting the Autism Insurance Bills, you will not only help these children but will also help our state for years to come.


Your Name
Your Address
Your Phone Number

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